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Sylvie & Marion Breton

ID Textile , Art and revaluation closely linked

With the kind collaboration of Marion & Sylvie Breton

To go further:

IG: Idtextile
IG: jours.semis.entre.deux

What a richness this mother-daughter bond is! This complicity is the necessary cement to carry out their projects. It shines through their works and during the meetings at their exhibition venues.

Sylvie, from the 68 generation, from a family that experienced deprivation and the war of 39/45, was immersed in an environment during her youth where knitting, crochet, sewing and recycling were a key word, an obligation, a necessity but also a tradition that allowed the transmission of this knowledge.

Later, she added macramé to her practice, a technique very popular among the "baby boomers".

Married to an ethnologist specializing in the Mayans, Sylvie and Marion their daughter, lived for many years in Mexico and Guatemala where they immersed themselves in the country, its shimmering colors, its traditions and more particularly in weaving practiced manually or mechanically.

Subsequently, Sylvie, a psychomotor therapist, relied heavily on textiles in her work with young people and adolescents.

For her part, Marion, after her baccalaureate, joined the prestigious Dupérré school in the Textile Arts section before continuing at the Beaux-Arts in Berlin.

Hired at Dior under Gianfranco Ferre then under John Galiano for many years, she began a career change in the 2003s after her parental leave.

At the same time, Sylvie retired.

Why not create an association around textiles together in order to initiate, raise awareness, and pass on their know-how?

"Jours, semis et entre-deux" was born.

It was within schools that they began to intervene to offer participatory activities and workshops.

At the same time, enriched by their experience, they created textile patterns and embroidery designs that they presented and sold at various trade fairs.

Quickly noticed, they will then work for several years for several textile brands.

But an idea never comes alone and at the head of a rich textile heritage accumulated by several generations of women, they are keen to enhance this precious asset. Why not restore furniture to give it a second life ? They created the ID Textile workshop.

In total agreement with their philosophy of life, they will then create and exhibit their works in atypical places, places that speak to them, beautiful places, such as chapels for example….

Each project feeding another, the restoration of furniture by textile will take over.

It was during a "staging" that the idea of ​​creating chandeliers each carrying its own textile history germinated in the minds of our duo.

Noticed by the BOHIN company, very sensitive to the transmission of knowledge, and the enhancement of heritage, a first collaboration will be set up.

A large batch of pins is offered to them with the mission of showcasing them.

New chandeliers will see the light of day.

Other collaborations followed with major houses such as Processus Chenel, Antoinette Poisson, Le Bon Marché, Les Toiles de Mayenne, Lainamac …

It was in 2015 that J. Charles DURAND, former owner of the Aiguille en fête, entrusted Marion with the artistic direction of the Art Textile exhibitions at the show, an annual meeting place for lovers of thread.

A new string to her bow.

Sylvie and Marion never stop renewing themselves. They are unrivaled in encouraging us to revalue, recover, transform to create. They are teeming with ideas that they share with us without restraint.

Galerie photos: