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Charlotte Thomas

Visual artist and scenographer

With the kind collaboration of Charlotte Thomas

It would be unfair to say that Charlotte Thomas was born with a small silver spoon in her mouth, but how lucky to be able to walk around her father's stonemason's workshop at a young age, and thus understand the transformation of matter.

Nourished by the curiosity of her parents who were keen on history and culture, the various trips she took as a family and the visits to countless exhibitions, Charlotte was able to develop her taste for art.

So it was after a double French-German baccalaureate that she headed towards a Visual Arts section at the University of Rennes.

Passionate, she continued in Lyon in a school of Applied Arts then joined the Duperré school for an option in Art Tapestry & Textile Structures with an embroidery option.

A graduate of the Métiers d'Art, Charlotte is in constant research. Beauty alone is not enough for her. She wants to combine the creativity of a contemporary artist with the beauty of the world.

Her approach is intended to be free. She is a real jack of all trades. She is both a visual artist and a scenographer.

In A MORE, a dance show, the scenography leaves us speechless. In a set made of Kraft paper, the multidisciplinary dancer Claire Lamothe plays, dances, sings and gives life to what is originally only wrapping paper, a painting support. It then becomes a partner, it takes shape until it no longer appears as the only actor on stage.

Close to nature, Charlotte likes to magnify this life that circulates in each living being. All of her works bring us back to this secret life, to the one that we do not see but which is the very essence of every animal or plant being.

Sensitive to reiki, a method of energy care of Japanese origin, harmony between body and mind is necessary for her.

She goes so far as to make her own work tools and even create her own supports, her frames. These are no longer just a support but become an integral part of the work.

Made of linen fibers and horsehair, her works, although stripped down to their most often natural tones, attract us like a magnet.

Their finesse and purity move and soothe us. The horsehair, both supple and rigid, translucent and durable, gives Charlotte Thomas' works an interiority that recenters us.

Photo gallery:

A More
Scenography Charlotte Thomas

Works by Charlotte Thomas